Thursday, May 21, 2009

Free Ivy League Education

Little did you know that Youtube can be a valuable source of education.

Here is a lecture given by 3 different professors at Yale with various takes on what is happening with the financial crisis and why. Long but very interesting.

Consequently, a lot of the ivy league universities have been uploading many of their lectures. Meaning... you can study at Yale for free from your very own home.

Don't we all want to be in the Ivy League? Well here's your chance...

And even MIT for lectures on Physics or other important things like strapping a fire extinguisher on to a tricycle.


For the record, smart is sexy. Just have a look at this blog delightfully titled... "Babes with Books"

A video courtesy of that girl's stalker.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I don't know if any of you have seen this but apparently... here there be monsters!

Behold the Montauk Monster!

montauk monster

This critter apparently washed up on the shores of Montauk New York.

Truly, it is Horrifying.

Is this a sign of the coming apocalypse?

Actually, Biologists at the University of New York have been analyzing the creature and theorize that this misbegotten abomination is in fact the discarded offspring of Ann Coulter.

ann coulter

This itself is an incredible find as Ms Coulter usually devours her offspring.

The Father is presumed to be Satan.

More information on this vastly important story is available from Foxnews.,2933,395294,00.html

Truly the thought of monsters is frightening one. But let us not forget that monsters too like boobies.

I know Cock Monster does.


And even Hulk!

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Inauguaral News N Boobs

Hello Folks and welcome to News and Boobs.

I figured since these are the two things that preoccupy the bulk of my internet time... might as well share.

Of course, I may deviate from this formula from time to time but hey... it's my blog so screw it.

Moving on...

It seems the Chinese have developed a "Carrier Killer" missile. Now it's no surprise that they would be developing this given the nature of some of their other projects like the Chinese Space Station.


Military News reports:

"The size of the missile enables it to carry a warhead big enough to inflict significant damage on a large vessel, providing the Chinese the capability of destroying a U.S. supercarrier in one strike.

Because the missile employs a complex guidance system, low radar signature and a maneuverability that makes its flight path unpredictable, the odds that it can evade tracking systems to reach its target are increased. It is estimated that the missile can travel at mach 10 and reach its maximum range of 2000km in less than 12 minutes."

Hmmmm... that can't be good.

Full Story here:

Elsewhere.... In the US economy

It seems that Sub-primes are not the only aspect of the housing bubble mortgages that are at risk. Amherst has done some investigating and apparently the higher quality mortgages were less than stellar. Alt-A's and option ARM's are collectively more numerous than the sup-primes and even more leveraged, and coincidentally also beginning to default. Due to interest rates resetting at later dates Credit Suisse is predicting that these other mortgages will begin defaulting en masse beginning in 2009 and peaking in 2011.

Well Hoo-friggin-ray!

Luckily I have prepared for such a contingency by stocking up on clean underwear.

And now something to cheer you up. At least she cheers me up. I can only assume that it will do wonders for you as well.

From the makers of the swine flu (Mexico) comes Fabiola Campomanes.

See? Don't feel so bad now do ya?