Friday, April 9, 2010

The biggest story of the 2000's was not covered at all.

Today I would like to touch on a topic that I'm sure that 99.9% of you have no clue about despite the fact that it probably signifies the beginning of what may very well become the most profound crisis the human race has yet encountered.

Here is a story first reported in 2005 which is arguably the most important story of the decade.

Cantarell, The Second Largest Oil Field in the World Is Dying

At the time of that story Cantarell was producing 2.1 million barrels/day. A flow rate which has only been outdone by Ghawar in Saudi Arabia, the world's largest and most productive oil field which accounts for about 50% of Saudi Arabia's total production.

What has since been realized is that 2.1 million barrels was Cantarell's peak production rate. Today Cantarell is producing about 500,000 barrels/day and declining rapidly. That's about a 75% drop in production in 5 years. Unfortunately, this is characteristic of decline rates from aging and over produced oil fields.

Just to be clear, the world's second largest producing oil field has peaked and set into irreversible decline. In the very near future, Mexico will cease to be an oil exporter.

Which means that... Ghawar is now the last of the world's super giant oil fields. By many accounts, this field too may have already peaked as the Saudis have not been able to crest 10 million barrel/day production since 2005. Very little is known for certain though as Saudi Aramco, the Saudi Oil company, is intensively secretive about its production capabilities and reserves.

But this much is certain... when Ghawar peaks... the world will have effectively peaked on oil production.

So what is Peak Oil?

It does NOT mean that we are out of oil. It means that flow rates, currently at around 70 million barrels/day, will no longer be able to be increased to meet growing demand.

A very brief explanation as to why this happens-

All oil fields "mature" over time. This simply means that as oil is extracted from a field the internal pressures that help force the oil out become lower and lower until it becomes necessary to "force" the oil out. In a production sense, this means that the first oil to come out of a field is quite easy and cheap to get out, the latter oil becomes increasingly more expensive and difficult to extract. This pattern when graphed looks like this...

This is the North Sea, the last Super Giant find we ever discovered(back in '69 I believe)

It has also peaked sometime around 2005.

North Sea has peaked.

If you're thinking we'll just look for more oil...

... oil discoveries have been steadily declining since 1970 meaning that every year since then we have discovered less and less oil. Furthermore, fields decline all the time. Which means that every year production coming online has to first offset declines in other areas.

If you're thinking "there's plenty of oil still out there un-developed"...

... You're right! There is. But this is not a measure of reserves. This is a question of flow rates. I.E. How much oil can be brought to market in a given year. Oil in the ground is essentially worthless. It is oil in a barrel, in the marketplace, that matters.

Once global production peaks, the amount of oil that is brought to market will begin to steadily, and irreversibly decrease.

Peak Oil is a mathematical inevitability.

It is GOING to happen, it's simply a matter of when. Once it does happen, growth in demand will no longer be possible and oil will become increasingly and irreversibly more expensive.

When will it happen? No one can say for sure. Furthermore it will not be readily apparent until it has already happened. It's one of those pesky things that only appears in hindsight.

What happens to us when it does? The global economy as we know it will gradually cease to function.

Oil is the lifeblood of the modern world. Transportation, petrochemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, plastics, cosmetics, you name it... oil's a part of it.

Eventually it will get so expensive to do all those things that they will rapidly become economically nonviable.

You can conjecture all you want but it is simply impossible to predict what will happen with a change of that magnitude. Luckily, as far as I can tell pretty much nothing is being done to prepare for this eventuality.

If it makes ya feel any better, even after peak we'll still have some good years.

This girl explains it much better.

HOT Oily STRIP - Peak Oil Explained - The best free videos are right here

Monday, April 5, 2010

Is Fraud the cause of the crisis?

Been almost a year since I last posted but... I feel like being useful again.

So once again... News and Boobs.

Here's a great story involving the New York Fed and Lehman Brothers.

It seems that the New York Federal Reserve Bank was, prior to the crisis, allowing Lehman Brothers to transfer junk bonds and liabilities off of its own books and onto the Fed. Thus allowing Lehman to show healthier accounting records when the regulators came by.

The thing is... THIS IS ILLEGAL!!!

It's basically like if I were to transfer all my debt over to my neighbor so that I could show that I was in good financial standing. There is a name for this... it's called FRAUD!!!!!

Furthermore, the Fed branch is legally barred from taking on these toxic assets, or anything else that is less than "investment grade." I.E. You can't just buy crap with federal reserve money to help out your buddy's company. What it means is that even prior to the bailouts American Tax Payers were going to be forced to foot the bill. It also means that these investment banks were knowingly taking on crappy investments with the intent of dumping them off to the Fed if they went sour.

Which they did.

So how is this allowed to happen? Just who the hell was running the New York Fed anyhow?

Timothy Geithner!!!

Oh my God! Arrest him!!! Arrest him NOW!!!

What is he doing now? Why he's Obama's Secretary of the Treasury.

Let that be a lesson to you kids. Crime DOES pay!

Full Story

Clearly what we need here is less regulation. Shit no one's enforcing the laws anyways. Maybe we can get the number of murderers in prison down by simply making that legal too!!!

Lets move on to China.

It seems the geniuses (read: Crooks) in Washington are contemplating putting China on a list of currency manipulators.

This is stupid for several reasons...

1. China's major transgression is not that it fluctuates its currency, rather, it refuses to fluctuate its currency against the current world reserve currency like everybody else who is forced to by the IMF and World Bank.

2. Building on number one... EVERYONE MANIPULATES THEIR CURRENCY!!!!

3. Given that Fraud seems to be the sole greatest contributor to the US economy... why on earth would other countries give a damn what we think?

4. China will beat the ever living crap out of us in a trade war.

And it seems the business community at Forbes tends to agree with me on that...

Story here...

US-China trade war would be a disaster

I am beginning to think that China's rise to the number one spot may be inevitable. This is due in no small part to Washington's own blinding greed and stupidity as anything else.

Damn it! I don't want to learn Chinese!!! Why can't they just use a fucking alphabet anyways?


Well are there at least some hot ones?

Ok. Ok. There's some cute ones there. But this is not news and cuties... this is News and Boobs!!! Dammit!!!

Thaaaaaat's better.