Monday, May 18, 2009


I don't know if any of you have seen this but apparently... here there be monsters!

Behold the Montauk Monster!

montauk monster

This critter apparently washed up on the shores of Montauk New York.

Truly, it is Horrifying.

Is this a sign of the coming apocalypse?

Actually, Biologists at the University of New York have been analyzing the creature and theorize that this misbegotten abomination is in fact the discarded offspring of Ann Coulter.

ann coulter

This itself is an incredible find as Ms Coulter usually devours her offspring.

The Father is presumed to be Satan.

More information on this vastly important story is available from Foxnews.,2933,395294,00.html

Truly the thought of monsters is frightening one. But let us not forget that monsters too like boobies.

I know Cock Monster does.


And even Hulk!

1 comment:

  1. For a man with so many cocks the cock monster always looks so angry...... wouldn't most me be in heaven?
