Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Political Right is not Crazy

Well, it's time for another installment of everyone's favorite educational endeavor... it's news and boobs time.


I realize I don't do these enough. The thing is that I usually only get motivated when something pisses me off.

I don't know if any of you watched MSNBC's special on the "rise of the new American right," but if you didn't... well... you missed out on some really tasty bullshit.

Lemme be clear in saying that I tend to lean left on most things.... but only slightly. My real political preference is "shit that makes sense."

MSNBC's report on the New Right and the Tea Party movement had all the impartiality of a Soviet News Report. It was literally so bad and misleading that I began to wonder if there really isn't some grand conspiracy going on to deliberately keep Americans in two completely divided camps. They might as well have just said "Tea Party members are Nazis who kill and eat puppies and black people."

It isn't that there aren't some crazy morons on the right, there are. But portraying the right as nothing BUT crazy morons is like portraying America as nothing but Scientologists.

For those of you missed out on this particular piece of literary butt jelly... here's a link...

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Or you can follow this link to watch the whole thing on Chris Matthews section


Its the Rise of the New Right baby!

Anyhow... that thing sucked.

So I thought I would take a moment to show you another angle of the "New Right." A Political Right that mysteriously seems to get overlooked by all the major news networks and publications. Kinda how they tend to overlook how much of the educated right and its leaders (like Ron Paul) are staunchly opposed to America's War mongering.

Say what?


Let's take one Mr. Paul Craig Roberts. Often referred to as the "Father of Reagonomics"

Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan
Former Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal

Author of the books...

Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider's Account of Policymaking in Washington

Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy,

The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice.

Certainly not a lefty. I love him regardless.

So what are his views?

Here's an excerpt from his blog. This one from a post on July 26th titled " US Treasury Running on Fumes"

"The White House is screaming like a stuck pig. WikiLeaks’ release of the Afghan War Documents "puts the lives of our soldiers and our coalition partners at risk."

What nonsense. Obama’s war puts the lives of American soldiers at risk, and the craven puppet state behavior of "our partners" in serving as US mercenaries is what puts their troops at risk. "


"The leaked documents show that the US has committed numerous war crimes and that the US government and military have lied through their teeth in order to cover up the failure of their policies. These are the revelations that Washington wants to keep secret."

Wow that sounds nothing like Glen Beck at all!

Hmmmm.... what else?

"The US economy and the well-being of Americans are being sacrificed to the regime’s wars. The states are broke and laying off teachers. Even "rich" California, formerly touted as "the seventh largest economy in the world," is reduced to issuing script and cutting its state workers’ pay to the minimum wage. "


"With the US bankrupting itself in wars, America’s largest creditor, China, has taken issue with America’s credit rating. The head of China’s largest credit rating agency declared: "The US is insolvent and faces bankruptcy as a pure debtor nation."

Wonder why this guy didn't make it on MSNBC's insightful report? Doesn't exactly inspire the hatred of the dem leaning part of the public does it?

The Media only covers what the want you to see. That's what they're paid to do.

You can read Dr Roberts blog here...


Here is a clip of Dr Roberts on the Max Kesier program. Though I wouldn't necessarily classify Max Keiser as a righty he is a former stock broker who has a lot of invaluable insight into finance and markets. I highly recommend his channel on youtube.

Which can be found here...


In these clips Dr Roberts discusses the economic effect that the outsourcing of jobs has had on the US economy.

I don't care who ya are that just makes sense.

Moving on...

Since we're on the subject of war I thought I'd post you up on what is going on with our friendly ally England.

England's former prime minister Tony Blair has been answering accusations of using the Iraq war as a means of securing oil contracts for big business (read BP... the ones dumping on the gulf. Yeah... those guys).

You mean the guy out there now advising on oil contracts was in cahoots with them all along? Noooooooooooooo!!!

The evidence is piling up. Not that it matters.

But hey, since we're in the UK...

Did you know that according to a survey I read somewhere the UK's womenfolk boast the biggest boobs on average of any country? This article says Europe but I think it's anywhere...


Let's look at the evidence....

Lucy Pinder (who is tough to find with a top on)

lucy pinder2

lucy pinder

She's pretty cute. And look! Photobucket censored me!

Sheer clothing is apparently not OK.

Clearly... they are fascists.

Boob hating fascists at that. (the worst kind)

So those are big... but are they really worthy of claiming the title?

Well how about this girl?

Rachel Aldana (who is almost impossible to find with a top on)

Rachel Aldana 1

Rachel Aldana2

Oh my goodness. And let me just say... those aren't the biggest.

But hey I managed to keep this PG.

Have a good one kids.


  1. Mr. Roberts is not without his flaws, you know. One lesson that the general public should have learned from Reaganomics, and the current batch of no-government-is-good-government politicians (both in the GOP and in the White House) is that trickle-down didn't work. In fact, its a large part of the reason why states are bankrupt and why the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are so financially devastating. Policy crafted to shift the tax burden unfairly upon the middle and lower classes, while reducing (and in some cases, eliminating) the tax burden on the wealthy, and on big corporations, are just as much a part of all this.

  2. You sound like Mr Roberts.

    You should read his blogs Reagan. I've come to find that how supply side economics has been presented differs wildly from what it was designed to do.

    This isn't to say that I'm sold on it. But I do find myself intrigued by how much of what the Republicans have done has diverged from the original plan and how vastly different the arguments are.

    Not unlike the way the Democrats have totally warped Keynes' demand side ideas in recent times.

    Reaganomics is not what I thought it was. And clearly not what the Republicans have repackaged it as.
