Monday, July 27, 2009

Latin America Outlook And Dorky Girls

Good morning folks.

Here's a look at today's news and some interesting tidbits.


It seems what Mrs. O'Grady at the Wall Street Journal calls the "Constitutional Government" is now appointing notorious Human Rights offenders to the government. In this case, a death squad commander.

You mean the bad guys really ARE bad? Who'd a thunk it?

Honduras: Micheletti appoints death squad veteran

Here also is a video with Greg Grandin, noted Latin American scholar.

Elsewhere... in Colombia.

Finding every other country in the region fairly intransigent, the US is leaning heavily on Colombia to support its drug war. Coincidentally, Colombia is still the world's leading producer of cocaine. Maybe it has something to do with their president having worked for Pablo Escobar? Ya think?

Here's an update on Obama's approach to Colombia... pretty much the same as before.

US escalates plans in Latin America

Moving along... for a chance to win absolutely nothing, can anyone guess which Latin American country is posting the highest GDP growth?


Here's a hint.

Thanks to Bolivia's first brown president the country is completely paid off to the IMF and no longer requesting loans for the first time in.... I think ever.

IMF's Bolivia page

The neat part of that is this...

VI. Projected Payments to Fund 1/
(SDR Million; based on existing use of resources and present holdings of SDRs):


2009 2010 2011 2012
Charges/Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Bolivia's GDP growth rate: 4.7%

Not bad for a bunch of lefties during a recession.

Moving on to the fairer sex....

What happens when you combine business savy, dorkiness, and hotness?

Girls in Tech

This group of smart, dorky hotties is led by their commander in yum... Adriana F. Gascoigne

Adriana is the Director of Global Communications for SGN. She makes games people.

And I love her.

I have always been a strong proponent of girl dorkiness. Thankfully my efforts are not in vain as it seems a tide of estrogen infused dorkiness is begining to sweep its way over the net.

Like these girls right here. This clips starts off a little boring but eventually becomes one of the coolest things you've ever seen.

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