Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Random News and Boobs from Poland

Here's a little random spattering of news.

First off, it seems that yet another agent of the nefarious Goldman-Sachs group has infiltrated our government. This time it's Goldman-Sachs Vice Chairman Robert Hormats who is to be the State Department's undersecretary for economic, energy and agricultural affairs. Not only do they get bail outs but they get sweet government jobs?

Government Of the Greedy... By the Greedy... For the Greedy.

Full story here at the good ole Wall Street Journal.

White House Taps Hormats for State Post

Moving on...

The beleaguered state of California is finding pot to be a nice way to generate funds.

Did you know you can get pot to treat seasonal allergies? Why haven't we all moved to California?

Story Here....

California Finds Pot Is a Huge Cash Cow

And Lastly, in our international spotlight... Poland.

It seems that not all of Europe is as progressive as they would like the world to think, despite their fancy berets and unshaven legs. Poland it seems is still a deeply catholic nation. A recent survey found that when it comes to Gay adoption some 87% of the population is opposed.

Poles against gay adoption

This likely explains why "My two Dads." was never a big hit there.

Or... maybe it's cuz they don't understand why anyone would want to adopt at all when you could hump these Polish sweethearts...

The generously endowed Ewa Sonnet

Or this little polskaya Iga Wyrwal (pronounced Iga wyrrwrrawwwll... or something)

Or this one I just discovered, Joanna Krupa.

Can I get a "Yay Poland!"

With hotties like that... who doesn't want to make babies?

Oh wait... gay guys.


  1. Hey Don, How are Ya? It's Jimmy from MySpace.....Make babies and eat pierogies.

  2. Everyone I know has a medicinal card these days. It's so easy. 1.Go to one of several Docs in the area whome come recommended. 2.Give said Doc $150 and your list of ailments. Could be girlie-cramps, migrains, anxiety, insomnia, name it. 3. You get your card.
    Our cops are sick of screwing with it anyhoo.
    xoxo esther

  3. @Jimmy. Wassup Jimmy!!!

    @Esther Where can I get one of these cards?

  4. Move to California. Thats about it. Oh, & have $150.oo. I don't actually have one but I should. I have 2, ummm, street venders dudes within blocks of my house & 3 more witin a 2 min drive so I don't have that much incentive. I'ts not like I eveer have enough on me to get into any real trouble anyway. Anything under 3/4 of an ounce is usually just confiscated & you get cited & pay a $250-$500 fine. At least in my area.

  5. ps
    i don't know anyone around here to ever go to jail JUST for a little weed.
